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Definition: (especially North American English) A person who is being, or who has just been, introduced into a special group of people, especially somebody who has just joined the army.

* All nine elements should be in.

1. Has a purpose for joining (to emphasize).

2. Knows why the particular choice of special group was made.

3. Learning, attentive, observant, etc. during induction. And/or diligent, hardworking, etc. after being inducted. (Connect to #4.)

4. Clears all initial doubts during training/induction. And/or works, performs or studies better or harder after, on joining (to emphasize).

5. Conduct, behaviour or attitude is trustworthy, in the estimation of the older members of special group. That is, newcomer will be seen as loyal and treading carefully.

6. Position or status (= rank, appointment, etc.) given to new member is not superior to that of any of the older members with equal or similar qualification(s).

7. Determined to succeed. That is, will be efficient, effective, operate within legal limits, etc.

8. (Reserved.) (Will complete induction course and/or stay with group for a considerable period on completion of induction, and on being admitted.)

9. Achieves goal(s) and serves purpose(s).

See perfect INDUCTION (2).

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