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Definition: (especially of children and their behaviour) The quality of being too active and only able to keep quiet and still for short periods.

* All six elements should be in.

1. Causes no damage to properties and equipment (just some minor destruction!).

2. Does not physically harm self and/or others during period (causes only slight injuries!!).

3. Acts and actions of child are not useless or senseless and do not get out of control! (Just daring and 'slightly frightening'!!!).

4. Active child does not get exhausted very easily ('Superman'!).

5. Child was not given any drug or substance to bring about state. That is, quality comes about naturally, however long it lasts (do not worry, panic, fret!!).

6. Develops no illness or disease as a result of being too active. And child is able to rest and/or sleep normally after running, jumping, shouting, etc. (Be calm!!!).


See perfect GIRLHOOD.

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