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Hunter (1)

Definition: A person who hunts wild animals for food or sport; an animal that hunts its food.

* All ten elements should be in.

1. Person or animal has a purpose (see definition).

2. 'Fearless' - of the hunted game.

3. Person has a licensed firearm (if applicable).

See perfect PAPER TIGER.
Below the Line
4. Person or animal has the five and 'sixth' senses working excellently.

5. Appropriately equipped or prepared for the hunt - fitness, equipment, dog, rifle, supplies, cell phone, etc., as applicable.


further below the line

6. Member of a team - especially if a person - does not hunt solo, particularly at night or in the dark hours.

7. Knows the appropriate place - legal, 'rich' - to go hunting: bush, forest, jungle, etc... wherever.

See perfect CATAPULT.

much further below the line

1. Not an animal lover.

2. Not some vegetarian !!

3. Knows the exact 'prey' wanted.

See perfect SAVING GRACE.

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