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Helplessness (2)

Definition: The inability to control a strong feeling.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Quality cannot be desired, by who shows it (= inability) and is therefore not planned, prepared or readied for.

2. Intention, preparation or hope was for thing to be controlled. And some serious effort was made towards achieving this. Weakness is, therefore, not clearly seen coming.

3. A loss or losses will occur as a direct outcome of state, whether feeling is enjoyed or not.

4. Strong feeling lasts for duration considered appropriate, whatever the wish of the 'sufferer'.

5. A concerted effort - that will fail - will be made to resist strong feeling (to emphasize). That is, failure is confirmed by a practical test.

6. Lack of ability cannot be blamed on or excused by another person, thing, authority, situation, the intensity of feeling, etc.

7. The reason or the cause of weakness can be known, studied, examined, etc., even if it is deemed 'incurable'.

8. No sanction is suffered and/or no punishment is meted out to who displays weakness (connect to #7).


Quote: "It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace". - Chuck Palahniuk.

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