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Help (5)
HELP (5)

Definition: The act of helping somebody who is in danger.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful (see definition).

2. Necessary for who renders assistance to do so, whether this is forcefully or voluntarily rendered or offered.

3. Person who is in danger requests, or requires, in the opinion of helper, the assistance, whether appreciated later or not.

4. Method or strategy to be adopted is determined. And the appropriate preparations, including a 'Plan B' - not an exit strategy - are thereafter made.

5. Act is rendered timely, quickly, promptly, ... fast !

6. Processes and procedures are executed without an unplanned loss.

7. Assistance succeeds - danger is defeated, or trouble is ended or terminated, or problem disappears permanently.

8. Person who is helped or rescued does not turn round, immediately of much later, to hurt or hunt helper(s).

See perfect RESCUE (2).

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