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i. Used as a greeting when you meet somebody, when you answer the telephone or when you want to attract somebody's attention.

ii. (British English) Used to show that you are surprised by something.

iii. (informal) Used to show that you think somebody has said something stupid or is not paying attention.

iv. An informal greeting expressing pleasure or surprise or both.

* All nine elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and considered necessary.

2. Offered directly to whom it is meant for.

3. Delivered directly by who is offering the greeting, making the comment, insinuation, etc.

4. Clearly said and heard.

5. Said timely.

6. Meant (to emphasize, connect to #2 further below the line).

See perfect GLAD-HANDLING.
Below the Line
1. (Reserved.) (Understood, if said as a gesture or by the use of sign language.)

See perfect LOVE RAT.

further below the line

1. Acknowledged and, where necessary, responded to as appropriate.

2. Achieves objective(s) or serves purpose(s), without an unplanned loss arising therefrom.

Hi !

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