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Definition: A person who interrupts a speaker at a public meeting by shouting out questions or rude remarks.

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Person has purpose or some purposes, even if others do not quite know this/these or agree/appreciate (connect to #2 & #9).

2. Considers it necessary, even if he or she knows that interruption is inappropriate.

3. Person is in the right frame of mind at the time - not inebriated or prodded by another.

4. Gives no indication or makes no gesture that can be interpreted as a desire to ask a question or make a remark.

5. No personal issue is raised by question or remark. That is, what is asked or the rude comments are related directly to what speaker is saying. And person is heard clearly, whether he or she makes meaning or not. In other words, questioner or complainant feels very strongly about matters raised.

6. Timing of unsolicited interjection is designed to have the maximum effect on speaker or at occasion/event.

7. 'Nuisance' does not insist on getting - or expect to get - an answer or response.

8. Does not run away after heckling speaker. That is, person is prepared for the consequences, if any, of action.

9. Uncouth or rude person achieves objective(s), whether speaker was affected or not.


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