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Hallucination (1)

Definition: The fact of seeming to see or hear somebody/something that is not really there, especially because of illness or drugs.

* All seven elements would be in.

1. Person who claims to have seen or heard has an 'excellent' sense of sight and hearing (to emphasize). And will therefore insist that someone/something was seen/heard.

2. No serious attempt will be made to provide an evidence of what was claimed as seen or heard (connect to #1).

3. Fact does not last long. That is, sight or sound will be claimed to have been seen or heard only very briefly.

4. An attempt will be made, where required, to recall or recount the seemingly seen sight or heard sound.

5. Some response or reaction, by who saw or heard, will arise from experience, whether this results in a loss or gain.

6. Person who makes claim, even if not believed, is not derided and thereafter treated as a loony by others.

7. (Reserved.) (Person or sound, that is seemingly seen or heard would have been sighted or heard by only one person at a time.)

... ah!, WHAT FACT?

Quote: "Vision without execution is hallucination". - Thomas A. Edison.

Quote: "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity". - Albert Einstein.

Quote: "With money you can buy a bed, but not sleep". - Chinese proverb.

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