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Grave (1)

Definition: A place in the ground where a dead person is buried.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary. (To emphasize!)

2. Depth is appropriate (connect to #4 & #7).

3. Specific and identifiable. That is, place is ordinarily marked as a home for the dead.

4. Condition of the ground is right, so that it will be impossible for coffin or corpse to later float, or be exposed, or washed away!

5. Safe, secured and protected, even if not guarded 24/7, from rodents, scavengers or bodysnatchers.

6. Clean, neat and tidy (connect to #5).

7. Serves purpose(s), exactly as wished for.


See perfect LONG HOME.

Quote: "We weep over the graves of infants and the little ones taken from us by death; but an early grave may be the shortest way to heaven". - Tyron Edwards.

Quote: "A grave, wherever found, preaches a short and pithy sermon to the soul". - Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Quote: "The only difference between a rut and a grave is their dimensions". - Ellen Glasgow.

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