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Goo (2)
GOO (2)

Definition: Cloying sentimentality.

* All six elements should be in.

1. A basis exists for, or some justification of, the action can be given by who displays particular emotions.

2. It would have been expected, or even prepared for, by who will be at the receiving end of mushy behaviour.

3. Time and location, or timing and occasion, will not be a source of embarrassment, denial, self-loathing, boo, etc.

4. The duration that attitude displayed lasts won't be such that any serious loss will be suffered thereafter.

5. The response or reaction that will be obtained will be normal or typical. That is, recipient(s) will relish it.

6. No physical contact will occur during sentimental 'fireworks'. That is, expressions will be verbal, signs, etc.

See perfect SERENADE (1).


See perfect CROCODILE TEARS (2).

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