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Definition: The act of changing the size and borders of an area for voting in order to give an unfair advantage to one party in an election.

* All five elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and considered necessary for the electoral umpire and the party that will benefit (connect to #4).

See perfect INDISCIPLINE (1).

2. Manipulation is formalized. That is, change cannot be successfully challenged in a law court or in an election tribunal.

See perfect RIGGING (2).

3. All the parties contesting the election are fully aware - even if they do not all approve - of the 'redesign'.

See perfect CAHOOTS.

4. Party to be at advantage has bribed electoral officials or made a promise to compensate them for wrongdoing (to emphasize).

See perfect CORRUPTION (1).

5. Advantage sought was secured and made use of. That is, a 'wrong' candidate or party wins an election as a result of the immoral changes made.


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