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Gallantry (3)

Definition: A compliment made to a woman by a man flirting with her.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful to give her compliment. ["What beautiful eyes?"]

2. Considered necessary to be effusive. ["You are the best"]

3. She understands language. ["Wish this moment would last forever"]

4. Utterance will be clearly heard. ["You are drop-dead gorgeous"]

5. Not a completely untrue talk. ["Your touch takes my breath away"]

6. Won't turn out a waste of time. ["Classy, fabulous, that's you"]

7. Can be repeated with confidence. ["You are truly a work of art"]

8. Words must not demand her to act, as reply. ["You turn me on"]

See perfect FRIGIDITY (2).

....... it NEVER HARMS.

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