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Full house (1)


i. An occasion in a theatre, cinema/movie theatre, etc. when there are no empty seats.

ii. If a theatre has a full house for a particular performance, it has as large an audience as it can hold.

* All six elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary, to see performance, fee-paying or not.

2. Each member of audience will be attentive during performance.

3. The house's equipment and/or facilities will not be overstretched. And the physical structure will not be damaged or destroyed as a consequence of the number of people or viewers present in building.

4. Audience will stay throughout, till the end, applauding or not.

5. Some benefit will be obtained by management and the movie-goers.

6. Some persons outside could not get in to watch show (to emphasize).

See perfect B-MOVIE.

See perfect FILL (1).

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