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Definition: The official process of settling an argument or a disagreement by somebody who is not involved.

* All eight or nine elements, as applicable, should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary.

2. The person settling argument (= arbitrator) is acceptable to both or all sides involved - 'registered' or not !

3. Arbitrator declares interest(s), if any, before commencement and proceeding with any action (connect to #2 above the line).

See perfect NON-ALIGNMENT.
Below the Line
1. Every side is fully heard. No restriction, rush, threat, etc.

2. All the facts and/or information provided by all sides are fully examined by the arbitrator. That is, no data is ignored outright.

See perfect FAIR HEARING.

further below the line

1. Arbitrator is not biased (connect to #1 & #2 below the line).

2. Cost involved in the settlement processes is borne by all sides, in equal measure.

See perfect OBJECTIVITY.

much further below the line

1. 'Judgement' is accepted, as delivered, by all the parties.

2. No provision is made for an appeal in the process. That is, arbitration, once accepted, settles the case finally.

See perfect JUDGEMENT (5).

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