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Encumbrance (1)


i. (formal) A person or thing that prevents somebody from moving easily or from doing what they want.

ii. Any burden, difficulty, responsibility or obligation that hampers one or restricts one's movement or freedom.

* When any, some or all five elements above the line is in.

1. Physical restraint (that cannot be escaped from).

2. The law (when it's impossible to break and get away free).

3. Jail or prison (when escape isn't possible).

4. Very serious sickness or ill-health (from which a recovery is improbable).

5. An occurrence or disaster caused by Mother Nature, that completely hampers or restricts movement or freedom.

See perfect PREVENTION (1).
Below the Line
1. Extreme poverty, where there is no financial wherewithal.

2. Ill-luck, bad luck, hard luck, etc. ..., whatever those are.

See perfect DETERMINATION (1).

See perfect RECIDIVIST.

See perfect DOER.

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