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Definition: (usually disapproving) The process of obtaining extra land, authority, etc. in order to increase your own power or position.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary in your well considered opinion, to have additional power or influence (to emphasize, connect to #2).

2. The authority or position possessed is inadequate to meet the present challenges. That is, a lack or shortage, an unplanned loss or a disadvantage, etc. exists or is suffered in the situation.

3. Process follows the normal and routine procedures - request/demand, justification/consideration, approval/enactment, etc.

4. Pace or rate of process does not result in the circumvention of a regulation or rule, or include an immorality.

5. Acquisition is in the right (relevant) and proper (legal) measure.

6. Increased power or improved position is timely obtained.

7. Act, that is, acquisition serves purpose(s).


Quote: "Empires do not suffer emptiness of purpose at the time of their creation. It is when they have become established that aims are lost and replaced by vague ritual". - Frank Herbert.

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