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Ante (3)
ANTE (3)

Definition: (popular) The share one must pay in something.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary to be involved in thing.

2. Known specifically before commencement of participation.

3. The thing to be 'paid' will be measurable and/or assessable.

4. Has a feature of permanence, can't be upped; won't not be altered.

See perfect MUST (1).

Quote: "Sow much, reap much; sow little, reap little". - Chinese proverb.

5. Considered 'affordable', i.e. won't lead to death.

6. The sacrifice will be worth the outcome or end result.

7. Cannot be delegated or borne by someone, on another's behalf.

8. Not something really wished for or looked forwards to being paid.

See perfect CROSS (8).

Quote: "You cannot discover oceans unless you have the courage to leave the shore". - Successories.

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