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Dictator (2)

Definition: (disapproving) A person who behaves as if they have complete power over other people, and tells them what to do.

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and considered a necessity for the person who behaves in particular way.

2. Knows exactly what is to be done and tells others clearly what he or she wants done - whether he/she can do thing or not.

3. Will adopt the right strategy to achieve goal(s). That is, acts or actions, choice of words, etc. will be appropriate to help achieve objective(s).

4. Has no authority to execute or enforce wish. And never gets physical with 'servant'.

5. Never pleads with the 'slave' or 'servant', when a resistance is put up or if an order is not complied with. (And 'master' is never seen by the servant to do thing by himself/herself.)

6. Gets obeyed every time (connect to #3).

7. Will not or cannot go berserk or throw a tantrum, if disobeyed.

8. Never rewards 'obedient' servant by way of a payment, in cash or kind, compensation, commendation, holiday or day-off, etc.

9. Never subjects himself/herself to the dominance of another more powerful person, especially in the presence of 'slave'.

See perfect CONTROL FREAK/See perfect DICTATOR (1).

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