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Designer baby

Definition: (used especially in newspapers) A baby that is born from an embryo which was selected from a number of embryos produced using IVF, for example because the parents want a baby that can provide cells to treat a brother's or sister's medical condition.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Purposeful (see definition).

2. Considered necessary to have 'baby special' (connect to #1).

WHATEVER THE CONDITION TO BE TREATED. (physiological or physical.)

3. Embryo chosen is the right one. That is, no mistake during the selection process.

4. No problem during the development of foetus. And delivery goes smoothly (connect to #8).

WHOEVER THE PARENTS. (physically challenged or Royalty or ... .)

5. Baby was delivered through Caesarian section (to emphasize).

6. Baby lives long enough and fulfills purpose(s).

PREMATURE OR FULL TERM DELIVERY. (male or female or hermaphrodite!)

7. (Reserved.) (No issues arise and no paternity suit arises in the future from the matter of parentage. And parents do not divorce!)

8. No defect is discovered in the baby, especially when baby grows, as a result of its 'artificiality'.

LOUISE OR MIRACLE OR ... . (whatever the baby's name!!)

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