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Denial (1)

Definition: [ ~ (of something/that ... ) ] A statement that says something is not true or does not exist.

* All nine elements should be in.

1. Purposeful (connect to #2).

2. Considered necessary to make statement.

3. What is true or exists is known by who is denying thing.

4. Statement states what is true or what exists.

5. Statement is made timely to help achieve objective(s).

6. Statement is complete and correct in all its ramifications. That is, what is said is not a half-truth, an exaggeration or a lie!

7. Not backed by proof, that is, no evidence will be provided, immediately or as it is being made, to back claim.

8. What is alleged to be true is accepted/believed, to be the truth.

9. Statement serves purpose(s).

See perfect DENIAL (2).

See perfect INNOCENCY.

See perfect INNOCENCE (1).

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