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Demonstrator (1)

Definition: A person who takes part in a public meeting or march in order to protest against somebody/something or to show support for somebody/something.

* All nine elements should be in.

1. Has a purpose and thinks it necessary, even if unjustifiable.

2. Authorized or approved by the appropriate law, rules, regulations, etc. to participate in a protest or march.

3. Knows correctly and fully the reason for protesting against or for supporting a person/thing.

4. Plans, prepares and is prepared for event, in respect of clothing, logistics, healthiness, etc. - however long protest might take.

5. Does not break a law during demo. That is, does not destroy public or private property, attack a law enforcement officer, go to unauthorized places, etc.

6. Does not get injured during a scuffle, if any. And does not fight with another protester, if any, especially one on the 'other side'.

7. Will return home after occasion safe and sound, and in good time.

8. Will be ready to go on a march again, if desired response or answer to earlier request/demand (protest) is not achieved. (Connect to #3 & #9.)

9. Participation serves purpose(s) or achieves goal(s).

See perfect RENTED CROWD.

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