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Definition: Someone who deliberates.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Has a purpose and considers action necessary.

2. His or her frame of mind will be excellent.

3. Person's strength of character will be strong.

4. Will have all the required time and space.

5. Pace will be Ok - fast, furious or slow, steady.

6. Method(s) - research, etc. - will be suitable.

7. Rumination is sensible, positive, progressive, etc.

8. Achieves objective(s) without regrets in the end.

see perfect RATIOCINATION.


see perfect DECISION-MAKING.

See perfect DELIRIUM (2).

Quotation: "We are so generally dealing with so many immediate battles ; it is hard for us to lift our gaze above the moment". - Robert Green.

Quotation: "The first mistake in public business is to be going into it". - Benjamin Franklin.

Quotation: "Try to be like the turtle - at ease in your own shell". - Bill Copeland.

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