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Definition: The act of damaging the appearance of something, especially by drawing or writing on it.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and deliberate, even if unnecessary.

2. Drawing or writing has a 'meaning' and can be understood or read.

3. Act is not patently a crime. That is, offender is not likely to be prosecuted for the drawing and writing done.

4. New appearance of thing drawn or written on is not totally condemnable (to emphasize, connect to #5).

5. There is something to learn of benefit from the new 'damaged' look of thing (connect to #2).

6. A sort of sanction - talking to, fine, punishment, etc. - is meted out to the wrongdoer.

7. 'Destroyer' achieves objective(s) (connect to #8).

8. Material(s) used to draw or write 'rubbish' cannot be easily and/or quickly wiped off (to emphasize).

See perfect DAMAGE (1).

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