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Dawn (1)
DAWN (1)


i. The time of day when light first appears.

ii. The first light of day, daybreak.

* All five elements would be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary - if seen by someone aware or conscious !

2. Arrives/arrived or met as expected or planned for - meeting, sleeping, waking, praying, etc.

3. Prepares the way for an excellent morning or day, whether knowingly or otherwise (connect to # 1 above the line).


Quote: "Change always comes bearing gifts". - Price Pritchett.
Below the Line
1. No nightmare(s) previously (if applicable). That is, not met in a frightened state.

2. Will be survived. That is, morning light will be seen after getting up and/or out and about.

.... A NEW ONE.

Quote: "However long the night, the dawn will break". - African proverb.

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