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Cross-check (1)

Definition: The act of ensuring that information, figures, etc. are correct by using a different method or system to check them.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary (connect to #2).

2. Considered vital to (re)check again.

3. Previous information or figures are complete. That is, process that produce results was concluded.

4. Time taken to complete second check is shorter than time used to get earlier results. That is, different system or method is efficient and effective.

5. A result is obtained from the 'recheck', whether this is same or different from previous result.

6. Result obtained leads to a specific action (connect to #5).

7. Act serves purpose(s) (connect to #6).

See perfect RECKONING (1).

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1520 Products was established in 2005 with the purpose of entertaining and teaching us on key and important aspects of life (such as marriage, sex, etc) through the playing of games which will allow us to laugh but at the same time pass a message of what is the right or ideal way.

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