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Credibility gap

Definition: The difference between what a person says or promises and what they actually think or do.

* All seven elements would be in.

1. Specific and identifiable - the 'missing link'.

2. There was no compulsion or pressure to talk or make a vow.

3. Frame of mind at the time a speech was made or when a pledge was given was excellent - no inebriation, puzzlement, confusion, etc.

4. The thoughts before and during talk was/were deep-rooted and the follow-up action is/was genuine.

5. No justification or excuse can be given or made for difference.

6. Brings a loss or disadvantage, discomfort, disgrace or embarrassment, etc. mainly for who has credibility issue.

7. Gap can be 'bridged', even if the effort(s) needed to close this/these chasm(s) is/are seemingly difficult.

See perfect SORRY.

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