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Definition: Action that is taken to hide a mistake or illegal activity from the public.

* All twelve elements would be in.

1. Purposeful for the person(s) taking action.

2. Necessity to hide thing in the opinion of doer(s).

3. Suspicions, doubts, queries, etc. had arisen or is expected to arise shortly (connect to #4).

4. Enquiries, examinations, investigations, etc. are being made or are expected to be made on thing being covered up.

5. What is or area that is being covered is deliberately picked. That is, other parts of act or activity are open and/or accessible.

6. Action is diversionary and/or engaging to the public.

7. What is done is not illegal (and is not another 'wrongdoing'!).

8. Action is done timely to help achieve objective(s).

9. No error or fault in action taken. That is, cover is complete and 'full' (connect to #7).

10. Action does not cost beyond the ordinary to accomplish.

11. What is meant to be hidden remains unseen to those not meant to discover mistake or illegality (connect to #12, to emphasize).

12. Thing, that is, mistake or illegality, remains covered for duration desired or hoped for.

See perfect DEFENCE MECHANISM (1).

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