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Climb (1)

Definition: An act of climbing up a mountain, rock or large number of steps; a period of time spent climbing.

* All eight elements should be in.

* This is on an act, not a period.

1. Purposeful (to emphasize).

2. Necessity to go up to place.

3. Undertaken at the right time to help achieve the goal(s).

4. Movement is at the right pace (connect to #5).


5. Arrival at point(s) is at the time hoped or planned for, with or without a rest along the way.

6. No injury, wound, etc. to the leg(s), arm(s)/hand(s), equipment, body, etc. used to accomplish task.

7. No burn-out from exhaustion. That is, climber still has some energy left on reaching destination.

8. Act serves purpose(s) or achieves objective(s).


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