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Climacteric (3)

Definition: A reduction in reproductive activity and ability in the male that is similar to the change of life (the menopause).

* All seven elements would be in.

1. The cause or causes will be specific and identifiable.

2. Basis or reason will be considered as normal, natural.

3. Level reduced to will be measurable and/or assessable.

4. Rate or speed of 'drop' will not be a cause for worry.

5. Nothing can be done to reenergize who is a 'sufferer'.

6. Point reduced to can still be able to be of some good.

7. Decline won't be regretted and cause frustration, etc.

1. See perfect CENTENARIAN.

2. Forget that Viagra !

3. See perfect DETUMESCENCE.

4. Which aphrodisiacs ?

5. See perfect ANIMALITY (2).

6. It's all good: A-OK.

7. See perfect BOOMERANG (2).

Quote: "The ingredients of healthy and long life are great temperance, open air, easy labour and little care". - Sir Phillip Sidney.

Quote: "I don't regret the things I've done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance". - Anonymous.

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