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Casuistry (1)

Definition: (formal, disapproving) A way of solving moral or legal problems by using clever arguments that may be false.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary to adopt strategy (connect to #2).

2. Other ways or methods, that would involve the truth, have not been tried, such that untruthful approach would have been needless or strategy will be exposed.

3. No lacuna will be noticed - or disclosed - in marshaling points for the position adopted or in support of a decision taken.

4. No deep penetrating question or thorough explanation will be asked or demanded, by listeners/readers/examiners, etc. while attempting to solve problem.

5. Argument will be all theoretical or verbal - no experimentation, practicals, evidence or proof, demonstration, etc.

6. Lies and untruths will not be admitted, even when asked (connect to #3 & #4). Therefore, doubts, misgivings, etc. that may arise, will be suppressed or discountenanced.

7. Solution arrived at will be permanent or sustainable for period desired. That is, particular problem will not recur soon afterwards. In other words, way achieves objective(s).


See perfect SOLUTION (1).

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