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Care worker

Definition: (British English) A person whose job is to help and take care of people who are mentally ill, sick or disabled, especially those who live in special homes or hospitals.

* All seven elements should be in.

1. Purposeful (see definition).

2. Worker is trained (qualified and experienced, if necessary).

3. Person is registered to provide care services.

4. Person is appropriately vetted before employment to ensure that he or she possesses the requisite skills (= temperament, etc.) to do job.

5. Person performs job efficiently and effectively. That is, the help and care that this person provides is of the highest quality, the right type and which is promptly made available, enabling 'patients' to have a better quality of life. In other words, help and care serves purpose(s) (connect to #2 & #4).

6. Worker is never absent from duty (without a reliable replacement).

7. Person does not pass an illness, infection, etc. to the mentally ill, sick or disabled 'patients'. That is, carer has a high level of personal hygiene, healthy and neat, fit, etc.

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