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i. The quality of being final or definitely settled.

ii. The quality of being predictable with great confidence.

iii. The state of being conclusive.

iv. The quality of being conclusive or decisive of argument or doubt; the power of determining opinion or of settling a question.

* All nine elements should be in.

... whatsoever.

1. Purposeful and necessary to conclude. DEAL.

2. Predication is specific and identifiable. REAL.

... from start,

3. Presumption measurable and assessable. WISH.

4. Presentation would be in a summary form. LIKE.

5. Predetermined opinions aren't to be present. FAIR.

... to the end;

6. Painstakingly made; no errors or mistakes. TRUE.

7. Predictions, or misgivings, have been sorted. FACT.

8. Purposiveness or purposefulness is achieved. BOLD.

9. Preparation commences, for whatever is next. STOP: it's OVER.

... altogether.

Quote: "History is the life of the times, the torch of truth, the life of memory, the teacher of life and the messenger of antiquity". - Cicero.

Quote: "If you love and care for me, tell me while I'm alive. Don't send me flowers and write a poem when I'm dead". - Allen Lazar.

Quote: "The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes". - Winston Churchill.

1520 Products

1520 Products was established in 2005 with the purpose of entertaining and teaching us on key and important aspects of life (such as marriage, sex, etc) through the playing of games which will allow us to laugh but at the same time pass a message of what is the right or ideal way.

1520 Sex Game

1520 Puzzles

1520 Marriage Game