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Definition: Someone who invites.

* All nine or ten elements, as applicable, should be in.

1. Has a purpose. And will honestly declare this.

2. Sure of necessity. And is able to defend same.

3. Sends out invite timely. Knows auspicious time.

4. Certain what to do on invitation being honoured.

5. Planned reception, and welcome, ahead of arrival.*

6. Provides details about meeting point, routes, etc.

7. Definite about identity of person(s) being invited.**

8. Wherever needed, able to support an invitee to come.

9. Achieves objective(s). Even if an invite is turned down.

10. Considerate mainly if reacting to unplanned event(s).

* Present or makes arrangement to receive persons invited.

** Vice-versa. Reveals own true identity, in return, if need be.

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