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Definition: A supporter of the philosophy of immaterialism (= the belief that matter has no objective existence).

* All seven elements would be in.

* [See perfect zero consequence.]

1. Must be in right senses, in the opinion of medical professional.

2. Major activities involved in not acquisitive or materialistic.

3. Stated purpose and necessity for the belief available hence.

4. Certain that a non-existence is proven or can be verified.

5. Energies are not to be wasted attending to immateriality.

6. Unplanned loss can't be suffered as a result of support.

7. Conviction now is that support given serves purpose(s).




Quote: "When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself". - Wayne Dyer.

Quote: "A child can teach an adult three things: To be happy for no reason: To always be curious: To fight tirelessly for something".- Paulo Coelho.

Quote: "If water is poured back into the well it is not a waste". - Saying from Mali.

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