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Sticky wicket

Definition: A difficult situation to cope with.

* All eight elements would be in.

1. Unforeseen and/or unexpected - not prepared for... woeful.

2. Causation not readily recognized or appreciated... damned.

3. Assistance is not available or offered this period... lonely.


4. The wherewithal required or needed not possessed. PAINS.

5. Considerable loss, damage, etc. is suffered therein. BLOOD.


6. Continues for like a very endless period of time. TEARS.

7. Temptation surely on to give up or to do a wrong. SORROW.

8. Eventually ends in lesson being learned hard way. REGRETS.


See perfect FEAR FACTOR.


Quote: "The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them". - Paulo Coelho.

Quote: "All wars are follies, very expensive and mischievous ones. In my opinion, there never was a good war or a bad peace. When will mankind be convinced and agree to settle their difficulties by arbitration?". - Benjamin Franklin.

Quote: "Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have". - Brian Tracy.

Quote: "We must work with determination to create a society; not where black men are superior and other men are inferior and vice versa. But a society in which all men will live together as brothers, and respect the dignity and worth of human personality". - Martin Luther King Jr.


See perfect LIVE AND LET LIVE.

1520 Products

1520 Products was established in 2005 with the purpose of entertaining and teaching us on key and important aspects of life (such as marriage, sex, etc) through the playing of games which will allow us to laugh but at the same time pass a message of what is the right or ideal way.

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