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Warm reception (1)

Definition: (usually - a warm reception) A display of hostility: a vigorous resistance or attack.

* All ten elements would be in.

1. Cause or reason for attitude must be specific and identifiable.

2. Hint or forewarning not going to be present prior mistreatment.

3. Never really disguised by a pretentious seemingly nice welcome.

4. Gets no breathing place to encourage comportment and/or composure.*

5. Given no second chance and gets no opportunity for a second wind.

6. Error or mistake, when committed, cannot be overlooked therein.

7. Gesture - thumbs down - utterances - boos - countenance bad.**

8. Applause or ovation not possible no matter how fantastic a try.

9. Expectation is that a display of hostility shall serve purpose(s).

10. Friendly relationships restored, after achieving objective(s).

* Undeserved in victim's opinion.

** Physicality sure not involved.

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