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Affordability (3)

Definition: An ability to provide somebody with something.

* All eight elements should be in.

1. Full authority or complete control over thing to be provided or supplied will be possessed.

2. Quality, grade, model, etc. of thing will be that desired by recipient or receiver.

3. Amount or quantity needed by beneficiary will be available.

4. No danger will be posed, by what is supplied, to who provides.

5. There will be the wherewithal by provider, to supply thing at the time and in the place or location requested.

6. A post-supply requirement, such as maintenance, or after-sales service, etc., where applicable, can be met or provided by who has ability. That is, all relevant checks would have been thoroughly made.

7. Where supplier needs the thing provided for another, there will be accessibility to source or a reserve of particular product. That is, what will be supplied will ordinarily not be exhausted as a result of item being issued.

8. No strong desire will exist, after a supply to withdraw or recall what has been provided, especially where a guarantee on the correct application or full payment will not be forthcoming.

See perfect AFFORDABILITY (2).

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