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Bus (3)
BUS (3)

Definition: A large vehicle used privately, e.g by firms for transporting employees.

* All seven or eight elements, as applicable, should be in.

1. Purposeful and necessary. (To emphasize, see definition.)

2. Specific and identifiable by those allowed to use vehicle.

3. The occupants, including the driver, etc., will be familiar.

4. Spacious, clean, neat, airy, comfortable, etc. for the users.

5. Safe and secured, especially if property is forgotten inside.

6. Affordable, if the use, entrance occurs on it being paid for.

7. Serviceable and roadworthy, especially in terrible weather.

8. Serves purpose(s), departs and arrives timely, promptly.


Whoever the driver ...

Whichever the model ..

D.I.G.N.I.F.Y.I.N.G., not infra dig !!


See perfect SCHOOL BUS.

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