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Hillary Clinton Syndrome

Definition: A condition someone suffers from if they change their opinions regularly and denies all previous versions. [Wikipedia.]

* All nine elements would be in.

1. Misthought is that regular 'oscillation' is purposeful and necessary.

2. Quick in changing or vehement in denying (to emphasize).

3. Faculties, or senses, believed excellent at particular point in time.

4. Mind, head is susceptible to manipulation, brainwashing.

5. Footing or basis nonexistent as no new discovery to justify action.

6. Neither creative nor imaginative as not a gain therefrom.

7. Cure not being sort for condition as 'illness' is not acknowledged.

8. Ambition, if any, cheap or weak; 'bar' set, therefore, low.

9. Sufferer inevitably earns substantial loss from being inconsistent.

It's about a lack of personal perspective.

Wait!, what? ... there she/he goes again.

Darling Daughter Denotation Disservice.

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